About Us

Richard Harding here, the founder of Golf from my Armchair.

The aim of this website is to delve into the world of golf, bringing not only the prominent stories, like what the leading golfers are up to but also, and more importantly, some less covered issues.

We will be offering our opinions on all manner of topics and providing a platform for all of you to have your say as well.

Alongside this, we will be showcasing some great products and services and letting you know what we have to say about them also.

Nothing is off the table here.

Come back often and engage in the discussion. We hope it will be active and fun and a place you will want to come back to time and time again.

A journey from School Sports to All Sports

My personal sporting journey started out at school, where I played many sports. I was around age 11 when it all started with athletics, tennis, football (soccer), hockey, and golf. Finally, I settled on badminton which took me through the next phase of my life.

Whilst I played badminton to a high level, training 6 days a week and competing most weekends, I always kept a love of golf.

I was a keen player and still am. However, my love of watching the best players compete was and is of a professional level.

Fast forward to now and my badminton career is long gone but my interest in the game of golf remains, hence, this website where I am hoping I can indulge my interest whilst interacting with many of you who share my passion.

My Aim is to bring all Golfers together

Whether you are a top player or a genuine hacker, we in the “from my armchair” family don’t care. We want to bring you all together to have a good old exchange of opinions about many aspects of the world of golf.

Don’t be shy, comment on as many articles as you want, as often as you want. Also, be frank and forthright. We want this to be a place where all sides of the argument can be aired.

Don’t be a stranger and we look forward to catching up soon.

One Last Thing

If you think it would be really cool to have your own website and learn how to monetise it, I can highly recommend the largest affiliate marketing platform, Wealthy Affiliate. It is free to join, without the need for a credit card, and has step by step training that will set you on your journey of creating your own fantastic website and showing you how you can earn a living from it as well.  How cool is that?

Richard Harding

w. golffrommyarmchair.com

e. richard@golffrommyarmchair.com

2 thoughts on “About Us”

  1. Hi Richard
    Wishing you every success in this exciting venture – a fantastic idea!
    As with your badminton, I followed a long amateur journey in golf, culminating with a lengthy spell in administration at regional level.
    And, also like you, I am now taking a bit of a back seat, whilst still maintaining a keen eye on the professional and club scenes.
    I look forward to seeing your forum growing and engaging with it 🙂

    • Thanks for stopping by Martin,

      This website is going to grow, I hope quickly, offering a mix of news, views, opinions, and offers.
      Please keep checking in regularly to see what we are talking about. Also, if you have any ideas you would like discussed or featured, just let us know.
      It is our aim here at Golf from my Armchair to create conversation and debate. So, the more the merrier.


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